Sunday, 15 March 2015

Design Document

Game Scenario
The version of Senet I created is called "Death & Afterlife" and the goal of the game is to reach all five human pieces with a dice of one to six to the finish (Afterlife). The first player to move all their human pieces (souls) to the Afterlife (End) wins the game.

Game Board
The game board is a shorter version of the game Senet, as it has three rolls of four. I designed the board to be a short adventure for the dead to travel to the afterlife, but not without penalites and other mechanics such as the Egyptian symbol of Anubis increasing the playlength of the game.

Penalty Square
Where player pieces are judged before entering the afterlife (Finish).
Anubis had a important role as the Guardian of the Scales, that weighed the hearts of decreased souls, Caroline Seawright "It was here that Anubis, as 'He Who Counts the Hearts', watched over of the weighing of the heart and the judging of the deceased." (October 8, 2001).

Invulnerable and Rebirth Square
This square is where player pieces attain eternal life, and the square near the start where the player pieces go back after failing to get into the afterlife.
The Ankha which is also known as the breath of life, the key of Nile or the Cux Ansata.
The Egyptian symbol represents many different aspects of life such as eternal life, Kristen Wilkerson "Its meaning represents aspects of life itself, such as "zest for life", "eternal life", or "future life". The reason for this interpretation is because the loop is the perfect symbol having neither a beginning nor end and stands for the soul which is eternal because it has sprung from the spiritual essence of the Egyptian gods." (August 1, 2009).

Start Death Square
This square is where the players deceased humans (pieces) all begin.

Finish Afterlife Square
This square is reserved for the player pieces that have made it to the afterlife, after passing Anubis's scales of justice.

Game Pieces
The player has five human deceased pieces and that relates to the theme of the game (Death and the afterlife) as these pieces represent what ancient Egyptian citizens may have looked like during these times. Ancient people having short black hair and white clothing that look like dresses.
With pieces like these its important to know if they're safe to use. These pieces are made of wood and the same size as pawns (2 x 1&1/4) from a chest board, and not recommended to be near children that would swallow them.

Players will have one dice number of one to six to play with to move around each turn.

10x human pieces
1x game board (8x10)
100x Cards
2x dice

The game mechanics will require the players some strategic thinking, using the dice based on luck to advance throughout the game. This would give the player a sense of tension against their opponent, and a sign of relaxation after their desired number has appeared on their dice roll.
The game only lasts for ten to twenty minutes depending on how lucky the player, or the opponent is with their number of rolls to achieve their end goal (Afterlife).

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