Sunday, 15 March 2015

Ancient Game - Tafl

Another ancient game which goes by the name of Tafl which is a strategy board game from the Vikings in 400 A.D. The game is asymmetrical and has a odd number of squares on each side, and a certral square where the king inhabits with eight pieces as his defenders opposing the three attackers from each direction.

If a player is playing as the defenders then their goal is to take the King to the borders of the game inorder to win. If the player is playing as the attackers they object of the game is to surrond the king, preventing him from reaching the corners.

While playing the game myself it was pretty easy as the defenders to reach the king to the corners, the rules were really simple and overall the game just didn't feel like a challenge at all. I suppose it didn't really strike much interest me.

Also the pieces could only move in horizontally or vertically but it reminded me of chess and checkers.

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